Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Synopsis of Confession of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster

Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster

This book was written to enlighten the reader on feng shui and reveal how it connects and relates to clearing negative energies,which can often be ghosts or spirits. This exciting new book is unlike many feng shui books on the shelves. “Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster is the first of its non-fiction genre to combine two unlikely art and science forms to guide those traumatized by entities and ghosts to overcome their fear through understanding, knowledge and resolve from such supernatural forces. This simply written book on how to release ghosts invites us on a personal journey with uplifting tales that begin in a small village in Southern Italy. Anna Maria’s confessions will levate your spirits, clarify your need for a productive environment
and help you to create a serene sanctuary we all call home.

Over many years of feng shui consultations, Anna Maria Prezio was able to make the connection between negative energy and the presence of ghosts in an environment. In her book she explain this radical concept in an easy–to-read practical guide on how to apply feng shui principles to ghost-busting.

Keeping a secret such as interacting with a spirit or entity can haunt you and create a feeling of dis-ease with yourself and your environments. Some of us are more sensitive to the spirit world, see entities and oftentimes sense them around us. The ability to talk about it and clear the air through many different methods as defined and expressed in my book, can free us from the fear and allow us to discuss a subject that has been taboo for many years.

“The more we know and understand about what we fear, the easier it is to accept a solution”

Learn one of the many feng shui mysteries on removal techniques in “Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster”

More about Anna Maria Prezio at www.prezio.com
at www.lulu.com/content/1681674


Anonymous said...

Interesting Topic although whether Feng Shui or not a Spiritual Being can negatively affect your Aura; this is because they can occupy the same space as your Aura.

This can greatly affect some people because our Aura is one of the main Human Life Energy Fields which controls many of the functions of our mind and body. Another Energy Field entering our Aura disturbs the normal function of our Aura.

The best way to deal with this is to permanently remove the Ghost or Spirit from the Earth Realm thus removing it from your presence permanently.

If you just chase it away by removing it from your location, it will generally return often many times in future years, so relief would only be temporary.

With Love
Ian Stone – Founder of HEART Energy Healing System,
Human Energy Assessment Release Treatments
Metaphysical Institute
Metaphysical Institute Blog

Joy Louise said...

Interesting. I don't know much about Feng Shui and thought it was only about how you put the furniture in your home. Guess I have a lot to learn! lol

Joy aka Zebee, or is it the other way around?