Kathy Stemke is the author of Moving Through All Seven Days, upcoming from Action Alley Education. This book inspires movement as children learn about the days of the week. The lyrical rhymes also teach them how to spell each day! The activities at the end of the book are designed to reinforce the concepts as well as give impetus to movement exploration.
When and why did you begin writing?
I began writing poetry when I was a teenager to express all those new feelings and frustrations.
What inspired you to write your first book?
My first book was an anthology of poems and photography. I’ve always liked using mixed mediums to express myself.
What, in your opinion, is the most important element of good writing?
Imagination. A book has to be different to get the attention of the public. It must also have lots of unexpected surprises.
Why should someone buy your book, “Moving Through All Seven Days?”
This book not only teaches the days of the week but how to spell each day as well. The illustrations are colorful and are full of action. Children will be inspired to explore all types of movements as they have fun learning.
If you could leave your readers with one legacy, what would you want it to be?
Pursue your dreams! It’s sad, but I know so many extremely talented people who never tried to follow their dreams. I’ve found that if you have passion and persistence, you will succeed at accomplishing many things. One thing leads to another. Just never give up!
Your comment about following one's dream is a good one, Kathy, but it's one most people find difficult to follow.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Great post, Crystalee. I particularly liked Kathy's comment on what is the most important element of good writing. It's so true! Dorothy www.kidsbooksuk.blogspot.com
Love the book cover. I have to agree with Kathy, imagination is the most important element in writing!
Great interview!
Great post. I also like the comment about following one's dreams. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
I read the ms on Moving Through All Seven Days - it's wonderful and I know young children will love it.
Crystalee & Kathy...heart warming interview...well done. Good luck!
Donna McDine
Marketing Manager
Very good interview. The book looks cute, and something kids will enjoy. Good luck.
good Interview. I agree that you need imagination. Publishers are always stating they want something different. And you need to pursue your dreams and be persistent.
Loved this interview. It let me imagine how wonderful the world would be if everyone followed their dreams :-)
Thanks for stopping by everyone. Great post Crystalee!
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