Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Upcoming Virtual Book Tours

The Members of VBT: Writers on the Move invite you to follow their next blog tour, to begin June 1st!

The schedule is as follows:

Harry Gilleland hosting Linda Asato at http://harrygillelandwrites.blogspot.com/

Karen Cioffi hosting Carolyn Howard-Johnson at http://karenandrobyn.blogspot.com/

Kathy Stemke hosting Liana Metal at http://educationtipster.blogspot.com/

Lea Schizas hosting Helena Harper at http://thewritingjungle.blogspot.com/

Nancy Famolari hosting Crystalee Calderwood at http://nancygfamolari.blogspot.com

Vivian Zabel hosting Joyce Anthony at http://vivianzabel.blogspot.com/

Margaret Fieland hosting Mayra Calvani at http://www.margaretfieland.com/

Crystalee Calderwood hosting Dorothy Massey at http://crystaleecalderwood.blogspot.com/

Joyce Anthony hosting Marvin Wilson at http://joyce-anthony.blogspot.com/

Dorothy Massey hosting Anita Yasuda at http://www.kidsbooksuk.blogspot.com/

Liana Metal hosting Harry Gilleland at http://lianastories.blogspot.com

Carolyn Howard-Johnson hosting Kathy Stemke at http://thenewbookreview.blogspot.com/

Virginia Grenier hosting Karen Cioffi at http://familiesmatter2us.blogspot.com/

Helena Harper hosting Gayle Trent at http://helenaharpersblog.blogspot.com/

Gayle Trent hosting Lea Schizas at http://gayle24202.tripod.com/gaylesblog/

Mayra Calvani hosting Nancy Famolari at http://www.thedarkphantom.wordpress.com/

Marvin Wilson hosting Vivian Zabel at http://inspiritandtruths.blogspot.com/

Anita Yasuda hosting Margaret Fieland at http://anitayasuda.livejournal.com/

Linda Asato hosting Virginia S. Grenier at http://lindaswritingdesk.blogspot.com/

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